Thursday, December 9, 2010

Things are Looking up...

So, I am now officially interning as a tutor to children grades 3rd-5th who are reading below level or have been kept back a grade. It's a paid internship which doesn't hurt but I am def. not doing it for the money. And I am the new Sunday School teacher at my church! I am very excited about both of these opportunities.

So, next semester I will be taking 4 classes through the week, 1 on Saturday, tutoring MWF for 2 hours, and teaching Sunday School on Sundays. I love how I have been called lazy but I do so much that people don't even know about... whatever. People should get to know me and then judge me. But that is neither here no there actually. The Sunday School position came about because of my complaints about the church being boring for the kids, other people had kids who felt the same way! So the position opened and I took it. Can't complain if you're unwilling to fix the problem.

I am going to use the Sunday school class to work on my organizational skills and my lesson plan skills. I am taking classes on those things next semester but I want to start now and be ahead of the game I guess. I need to work on my arts and crafts skills lol. I want this class to be fun for them but I also want them to learn about God/Jesus/The Bible and grow in Christ. I will grow with them and it'll be a beautiful thing.

I have two finals left and then I done with this semester. I have a few things I need to work on but I am getting so much better about school and staying focused and reaching my goals. Until next time... God bless.

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