Friday, December 24, 2010

Silent Night...

It's Christmas morning... 12:38 am to be exact lol. I'm feeling reflective and thankful. It's my first Christmas married and it's my daughter's first Christmas with a father, with presents bought with my own money, with a belief of Santa, and with knowledge of Jesus Christ. I am thankful her young mind absorbs everything and is still pure. So many children grow up way too fast...

The real meaning of Christmas for me is joy. Joy that Jesus was born, joy that I am a mother, joy that my life is happy and constantly teaching me lessons, joy that my marriage is happy, and joy for being alive. I miss my sister so much but I know she would want me to be happy. I just know how she was... She didn't go for a lot of moping and woe is me nonsense.

My focus is still on school. My gpa this semester was a 3.44 and my overall is a 2.42 gpa. My goal is to get as close to a 3.0 as possible before I finish. It's possible. When you believe in God, everything is possible. I'm glad I learned that before it was too late.

I am already planning my New Year's Resolutions but that is another blog. I have a toddler kitchen set to put together with the hubby and a cheesecake to bake. Merry Christmas and God Bless you all. :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas for Me

It's bittersweet. I don't know, I am so thankful and happy for life, for my grades this semester, for my family. For true love and for my child's health. I am just thankful for so much... But then my heart is broken. I miss my sister, I miss my dad. I never met him, he killed himself when I was six months old but I always wonder how my life would be different if he had been here. His birthday is today, he died when he was 19 and today he would be 47. Idk, I miss my sister so much. I miss her more than life itself but I have to keep going and keep smiling because I never know when it'll be my turn. We all have to die, no one can escape it so we need to enjoy every day.

Christmas for me in 2010 means hosting my first Christmas Dinner. It means baking from scratch and cookies for Santa. It means presents under the tree bought with my own money this year, not my mom's. It means having my bills paid by me and my husband, not my mom. It means independence, it means prayer, it means giving praise. It means growing in Christ. It means constant praying to be anointed. It means the constant yearning to be a better mother and wife. It means cleaning and scrubbing, throwing out the old to make room for the new. It means Christmas music and lots of food. It means hugs and kisses. It means vanilla candles and a White Christmas tree.

I passed this semester with flying colors. I am humble about it though b/c I prayed a lot this semester and one class that I asked for a B in, I got an A. I can't take credit for that at all. I'm just appreciative that God hears my prayers and continues to bless me.

As 2010 comes to a close, I am thankful for the bad things b/c they always taught me a lesson and reminded me of the good things. Life goes on, and if it doesn't, you're dead.

Until next time... Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Things are Looking up...

So, I am now officially interning as a tutor to children grades 3rd-5th who are reading below level or have been kept back a grade. It's a paid internship which doesn't hurt but I am def. not doing it for the money. And I am the new Sunday School teacher at my church! I am very excited about both of these opportunities.

So, next semester I will be taking 4 classes through the week, 1 on Saturday, tutoring MWF for 2 hours, and teaching Sunday School on Sundays. I love how I have been called lazy but I do so much that people don't even know about... whatever. People should get to know me and then judge me. But that is neither here no there actually. The Sunday School position came about because of my complaints about the church being boring for the kids, other people had kids who felt the same way! So the position opened and I took it. Can't complain if you're unwilling to fix the problem.

I am going to use the Sunday school class to work on my organizational skills and my lesson plan skills. I am taking classes on those things next semester but I want to start now and be ahead of the game I guess. I need to work on my arts and crafts skills lol. I want this class to be fun for them but I also want them to learn about God/Jesus/The Bible and grow in Christ. I will grow with them and it'll be a beautiful thing.

I have two finals left and then I done with this semester. I have a few things I need to work on but I am getting so much better about school and staying focused and reaching my goals. Until next time... God bless.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thankful for Guidance

I have made so many changes in my life. I changed my major from History to Human Development, which will license me to teach Pre-k through 3rd grade. I am excited about this because I will graduate fully licensed and certified. I will get to experience student teaching and have a support system. I feel so much more at peace now. I feel happy. Excited even.

I won tickets today to go to a gospel concert and Marvin Sapp is going to be there. Oh my goodness. I love him, and I can't wait for this event!!

I am very excited about my life right now. I have to focus on school and graduate so I can teach and live my dreams of being a teacher. I'm on my way.